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My Favourite Writers

Корoткий опис:  My Favourite Writers
I’m fond of reading.
Usually I borrow books from the
library, but I have a lot of them at
home, too.
I like to read books about famous
people and detective stories.
Literature means much in my life.

It helps to form the character and to
understand life better.
There are some names in Russian and
foreign literature that are very dear
to me.
In Russian literature I highly appreciate
Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev.
For me he is a real intellectual and
aristocrat, a man of culture, devoted
to literature, music and art.
Though he lived abroad for a long time
he didn’t stop to be a Russian writer
for a moment.

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George Gershwin

Корoткий опис:  George Gershwin
George Gershwin was one of the first
composers to use jazz themes within
classical music forms.

George Gershwin was born on Sep
tember 26, 1898, in Brooklyn.
He was the son of Russian immigrants
whose name had been Gershovitz.
He began studying piano at the age
of 12.
At 16 he left high school to work
as a pianist for a music publishing
His first song was published in 1916.

The first musical for which Gershwin
wrote all the music was “La, La
Lucille”, produced in 1919.

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American Musicians

Корoткий опис:  American Musicians
Loui sarmstrongand Billie
Louis Daniel Armstrong was born
on July 4, 1900, in New Orleans, the
birthplace of American jazz.
His father, Willie, was a worker.

Американські музиканти
Луї армстронгібіллі Холідей

Луї Дениел Армстронг народився
4 липня 1900 року в Новому Орлеані,
батьківщині американського джазу.
Його батько Віллі був робітником.

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Rockwell kent and his Works

Корoткий опис:  Rockwell kent and hisWorks
Rockwell Kent was born in New York
in 1882.
He studied at the department of ar
chitecture at Columbia University,
but did not graduate as he decided to
become a painter.
His first exhibition was when he
was 20 years old and it brought him
Still he had to earn his living and in his
search for work Rockwell Kent did all
kinds of things.

He was an architect and a carpenter;
he fished for crabs and worked on
Rockwell Kent travelled through all of
the United States and in the Far North.
He spent many years in Alaska, Green
land, Canada and in Patagonia.

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Winslow Homer

Корoткий опис:  Winslow Homer
Winslow Homer, one of the greatest
American painters, was a selftaught
His first important painting “Prisoners
from the Front” was finished in
1866 and made him one of the
most wellknown painters in America.

His postwar paintings dealt with
American country life: farm scenes,
children, pretty girls, summer resorts.

“The Morning Bell”, “The Country
School”, “Glouster Farm” are down
toearth paintings showing ordinary
people doing their everyday work.

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American Painters John Sloan

Корoткий опис:  American Painters
John Sloan
In 1908 a group of young artists
started an exhibition of their paintings
which had been rejected by the
National Academy, at the Macbeth
Gallery, New York.
The impact of them was enormous.
They broke down academic idealism
and fostered a keen interest in
contemporary American life.
They achieved for American art what
Theodore Dreiser did for the literary
world: they turned attention toward the
common people and their daily lives.

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Joe Hill

Корoткий опис:  Joe Hill
Somebody once said, “Poets are born
not made”.
Some people think it is true, and some
think it is not, but everybody agrees
that Joe Hill was a born poet.
He did not learn the art of poetry at
schools or colleges, but he always
wrote poems and songs — while he
worked and while he was looking for
work, when he was free and when he
was in prison.
Like thousands of other American
workers in the years of depression
before World War I, a tall, strong,
energetic young Joe Hill was more
often jobless than employed.

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Jerome David Salinger

Корoткий опис:  Jerome David Salinger
J. D. Salinger is one of the most
famous contemporary writers.
He was born in 1919 in New York in
a welltodo family.
He graduated from the Pennsylvania
Military Academy, and also studied at
New York and Columbia Universities.
During World War II he served in the
Army in Europe.
His only novel “A Catcher in the Rye”
brought him fame.
Its main character, teenager Colefield,
clearly perceives contradiction between
the world of adults and teenagers.

Джером Девід Селінджер
Д. Д. Селінджер — один з найвідомі
ших сучасних письменників.
Він народився в 1919 році у Нью
Йорку в заможній родині.
Він закінчив Військову академію
в Пенсильванії, а також учився в уні
верситетах НьюЙорка і Колумбії.
Під час Другої світової війни він слу
жив в армії в Європі.

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Theodore Dreiser

Корoткий опис:  Theodore Dreiser
Theodore Dreiser is a famous
American writer and publicist.

Теодор Драйзер
Теодор Драйзер — відомий амери
канський письменник і публіцист.

He was born in 1871 in the state of In
He was the 12th child in the family.

His mother came from the family
of Czech immigrants and his father
came to America from Germany and
was a factory worker.
Since his early childhood the boy
knew what poverty was.
In 1887 he moved to Chicago where
he worked in restaurants washing
dishes and cleaning.

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MarkTwain МаркТвен

Корoткий опис:  MarkTwain


Mark Twain is a famous American
writer and a journalist.
His real name was Samuel Clemens.
He was born in 1835 in Florida.
Mark Twain started his literary career
rather late.
He worked as a journalist in
newspapers in Nevada and California
during the years of the Civil War.
His father died when the boy was only
12 years old.
Twain had to start working with his

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