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Henry Purcell

Корoткий опис:  Henry Purcell
The most original English composer
of his time, Henry Purcell composed
for the church, stage, and court and
for private entertainment.
He combined thorough knowledge
of past musical achievements with
obvious interest in the work of his con
temporaries, especially Italian music
of the 17th century.
Purcell was born in Westminster (now
part of Greater London), England,
probably in 1659.
As far as it is known he spent his
entire life in Westminster.
His father was a musician in service
to the king, and Purcell received his
early training as a chorister in the
Chapel Royal.
He held various posts, including that
of organ tuner at Westminster Abbey.

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British Musicians And actors

Корoткий опис:  British Musicians
And actors
George Handel
A musical giant of the late baroque
period, George Frederic Handel was
born in Germany but spent most of his
adult life in England.
He successfully combined German,
French, Italian, and English musical
styles in about 40 operas, 20
oratorios, and numerous other vocal
pieces, instrumental works, and
church music.
Handel was born on February 23,
1685, in Halle in Saxony.
In addition to musical studies, he was
trained in the law at Halle University.
Although appointed an organist of the
Halle Cathedral in 1702, he moved

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John Constable

Корoткий опис:  John Constable
John Constable, one of the greatest
landscape painters, was born in
Sufford, on June 11, 1776.
He was the son of a wealthy miller.
He began to take interest in
landscape painting while he was at
grammar school.
His father did not favour art as a pro
As a boy Constable worked almost
secretly, painting in the cottage of an
amateur painter.
His keen artistic interest was such
that his father allowed him to go to
London in 1795, where he began to
study painting.
In 1799 Constable entered the Royal
Academy School in London.

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Thomas Gainsborough

Корoткий опис:  Thomas Gainsborough
Thomas Gainsborough was a master
of English school of painting.
He was a portraitist and a landscape
He was born in Sudbury in 1727 and
was the son of a merchant.
His father sent him to London to study
He spent 8 years working and
studying in London.
There he got acquainted with the
Flemish traditional school of painting.

Томас Гейнс боро
Томас Гейнсборо був майстром анг
лійської школи живопису.
Він малював портрети і пейзажі.

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British Painters британські художники JosephTurner ДжозефТернер

Корoткий опис:  British Painters британські художники
JosephTurner ДжозефТернер

Joseph Turner, the greatest English
romantic landscape painter, was born
in Covent Garden, London, on the
23rd of April in 1775.
He was the son of a fashionable
He started drawing and painting as
a small boy.
His father used to sell the boy’s
drawings to his customers.
In such a way he earned money which
his father paid for his lessons in art.

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Robert Burns

Корoткий опис:  Robert Burns
Robert Burns is the world famous
Scottish poet.
He was born in a small village in the
southwest of Scotland.
The village is called Alloway.
In Alloway visitors can see this clay
built cottage.
Robert Burns was born here on
January 25th, 1759.
The cottage belonged to William
Burns, Robert’s father.
The family was quite poor but hard
working, honest and proud.
Many years later Robert Burns wrote:
“The cottage leaves the palace far
When Robert’s father died, Robert
was left to farm for himself.

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Charlotte Brontё

Корoткий опис:  Charlotte Brontё
Charlotte Brontё is a unique English
writer of the 19th century.
Her literary works were characteristic
for the English realism trend.
She was born in 1816 in Yorkshire.

Charlotte was the third child in the
Her father was Irish and he was
a cleric of England Church.
Charlotte’s mother died in 1821 and
the children were cared for by their
aunt, Elizabeth Branwell.
Charlotte attended the Clergy Daugh
ter’s School.
After it she worked as a teacher and
a governess.

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Rudyard kipling

Корoткий опис:  Rudyard kipling
Rudyard Kipling is one of the
outstanding British writers.
He was born in 1865 in the family of an
Englishman in India.
He got his education in England but
returned to India in 1882.
There he spent 6 years working in co
lonial English press.
There he published his first literary
In 1890 he published his first novel
“The Light that Failed”, which brought
him fame.
He was one of the most popular
writers of his time.
During his life he visited South Africa,
Australia, New Zealand and Japan.

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Oscar Wilde

Корoткий опис:  Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde is one of the most in
teresting representatives of British
He was born in 1856 in the Irish
His father was an optician, an author
of some books on Irish folklore.
His mother was a poetess and was
wellknown in aristocratic society.

Оскар Уайльд
Оскар Уайльд — один із найбільш
цікавих представників британської
Він народився в 1856 році в ірланд
ській родині.
Його батько був окулістом, автором
книг з ірландського фольклору.
Його мати була поетесою, добре відо
мою в аристократичному суспільстві.

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British Writers William Shakespeare

Корoткий опис:  British Writers
William Shakespeare
There are a lot of famous names in the
history of Great Britain.
The name of William Shakespeare is
one of them.
William Shakespeare, the great English
poet and dramatist, was born in 1564
in the town of StratfordonAvon.
There were no theatres in England in
those times.
Groups of actors travelled from town
to town showing performances in the
Sometimes actors came to Stratford
The boy went to see all their shows
and liked them very much.

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1-10 11-20 ... 1101-1110 1111-1120 1121-1130 1131-1140 1141-1150 ... 3251-3260 3261-3261