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Outstanding People of Great Britain

Корoткий опис:  Outstanding People of
Great Britain
Great Britain made a great
contribution to the science, literature,
music and arts of the world.
It gave mankind a lot of outstanding
scientists, writers and poets,
musicians and painters.
Thomas More, who lived in the 15th
century was an outstanding humanist,
scientist and statesman.
His work “Utopia” brought him world
wide acknowledgement.
Many prominent people were
influenced by his ideas of a free
democratic state described in “Utopia”.
William Shakespeare is one of the
most famous writers in the world.
His plays “Romeo and Juliet”,

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Valentyn Voino-yasenetskyi

Корoткий опис:  Valentyn Voino-yasenetskyi
There were a lot of bright
representatives of Ukrainian science
who contributed to the world
One of them was Valentyn Voino
Yasenetskyi, an outstanding surgeon
and teacher.
He was born in 1877 in Kerch in the
family of the pharmaceutist.
At the end of the 1880s the family
moved to Kyiv, where they lived in
VoinoYasenetskyi studied at Kyiv Art
After graduating from it he wanted
to enter St Petersburg Academy of

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Ukrainian Musicians Mykola Lysenko

Корoткий опис:  Ukrainian Musicians
Mykola Lysenko
Mykola Lysenko was born in Poltava
gubernia in 1842 and died in Kyiv in
He was an outstanding Ukrainian com
poser, a pianist and a teacher.
He got his abilities of piano playing
from his mother.
From 1860 he studied in Kharkiv and
Kyiv Universities.
He graduated in 1865 with the degree
in natural sciences.
As a member of “Gromada” in Kyiv he
made a great contribution to the deve
lopment of the Ukrainian music.
He continued his studies of music in

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Ukrainian Musical Culture

Корoткий опис:  Ukrainian Musical
Ukrainians are known as a musical
people with a lot of folk songs and
talented performers.
Groups of musicians performed
during festivals and banquets at the
courts of ancient princes.
The first church music came from By
In the second half of the 11th century
the Kyivan monasteries became
the centres of the development of
religious music in Ukraine.
The 16th and 17th centuries saw the de
velopment of the polyphonic singing.
The “Musical Grammar”, written by
the composer M. Dyletskyi in 1675
was a complete description of the
theory of polyphonic music.

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Ilia repin

Корoткий опис:  Ilia repin
Ilia Repin was born on the 5th of
August in 1844 in Chuhuiv, Zmiiv
County, Kharkiv gubernia and died
on the 29th of September in 1930 in
Kuokkala, Finland.
Repin, an outstanding painter,
a full member of the St Petersburg
Academy of Arts from 1893, started
his career under I. Kramskoi at the
Drawing School of the Society for the
Support of Artists (1863—1864).
He studied at the Academy of Arts
(1864—1871), which granted him
a scholarship to study in Italy and
France (1873—1876).
He joined the Peredvizhniki Society in
1878 and the Mir Iskusstva group in

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roma Ivanychuk

Корoткий опис:  romaIvanychuk
I like reading and I can tell about
such wellknown writers as Lessya
Ukrainka, Taras Shevchenko, Ivan
Franko, Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi.

But these writers belong to the
previous century.
They made a great contribution to the
development of our national literature.
And the names of modern writers are
not so wellknown as they should be.
The reason of this is that not so long
ago the Ukrainian literature was far
from being popular.
Such names as Lina Kostenko, Oles
Honchar, Valentyn Chemerys, Vasyl
Symonenko, Ivan Druch, Borys
Oliynyc and others were forgotten.
Nowadays much is done for us to
know them and like their works.

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Modern Ukrainian Writers

Корoткий опис:  Modern Ukrainian
l OlesHonchar
Ukrainian literature contains a lot of
glorious names.
Among them one can name Lina Ko
stenko, Pavlo Zagrebelny, Vasyl Stus,
Roman Ivanychuk.
One can continue this list for many
But I want to tell you about the work of
Oles Honchar.
This author can justly be called the
conscience of Ukraine.
In his works such problems as the
good and the evil, the honour and the
dishonour, the love and the hate were
His book “Praporonostsi” was one
of the first true stories about the

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Outstanding People of Ukraine

Корoткий опис:  Outstanding People of
In the history of humanity there have
always been people whose actions
and ideas produced a great impact on
the lives of other people.
They have made a great contribution
to the science, culture, social life of
this country.
That’s why they are called
The names of Taras Shevchenko,
Lessya Ukrainka, Ivan Franko, Marko
Vovchok and Hrygoriy Skovoroda won
universal recognition.
There’s hardly a country in the
world which doesn’t have Taras
Shevchenko’s poems translated into
its language.

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Таблиця похідних деяких функцій

Корoткий опис:  В файлові архіві заходиться таблиця похідних для деяких функцій.

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Sports in Great Britain

Корoткий опис:  Sports in Great Britain
Sport plays such an important part
in British life that many idioms in the
English language have come from the
world of sport.
For example, “to play the game”
means “to be fair”, and “that’s not
cricket” means “that’s not fair”.

Спорт у Великобританії
Спорт відіграє таку велику роль
у житті британців, що багато стійких
оборотів увійшли в англійську мову
зі спорту.
Наприклад, «to play the game»
означає «дотримуватися правила»,
«поводитися шляхетно», «thаt’s not
cricket» означає «не за правилами»,

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1-10 11-20 ... 1111-1120 1121-1130 1131-1140 1141-1150 1151-1160 ... 3251-3260 3261-3261