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My attitude to Sports

Корoткий опис:  My attitude to Sports
If you want to be healthy, strong and
beautiful you should go in for sports.

Nobody likes to be stout and clumsy.
We enjoy watching nice bodies
of sportsmen, their strength and

When I go in for sports I feel wonderful.

I don’t sneeze or cough.
I am cheerful, active and full of energy.

In summer I go in for swimming or
I enjoy spending winter holidays in the

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Can all People Become Champions?

Корoткий опис:  Can all People Become
We know a lot about physical training
and sports.
They are part of our everyday life.

Sports help people to keep in good
Many boys and girls are interested in
They take part in sports activities,
they go either to a sports club or to
a sports school.
From time to time competitions are
held in sports and games and we hear
about new champions.
But what is the aim of such compe

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From the History of Basketball

Корoткий опис:  From the History of
Basketball as a game appeared at the
end of the 19th century.
It was introduced by one college coach
during the winter of 1891—1892.
He wanted to train his students
between the end of the footbal season
and the beginning of the basebal
He placed baskets on the walls at
the opposite ends of the gymnasium
and organized ninemen teams who
played with a ball.
Each team tried to throw the ball into
the other team’s basket and at the
same time tried to keep that team from
throwing the ball into their basket.
The students had a lot of exercise,
they moved a lot about the
gymnasium, jumped and ran.
They liked the game and called it bas

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The Olympic Games

Корoткий опис:  The Olympic Games
The tradition of the Olympic Games
runs back to ancient Greece.
We know that the first Olympic Games
took place in the town of Olympia
more than 2700 years ago.
There was no war in the country
for these five days when sports
competition took place.
It was a great athletic festival of wres
tling, footracing, discus throwing and
The Games were organized and held
up to the year of 393.
Then, for more than 1700 years
nothing more was heard of the
The first modern Olympic Games
were held in Athens in 1896.

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Spor tin OurLife Спорт у нашому житті

Корoткий опис:  Spor tin OurLife

Спорт у нашому житті

People all over the world are fond of
sports and games.
Sport makes people healthy, keeps
them fit, more organized and better
Some people go in for sports for their
health and some for professional
There are a lot of stadiums, sports
grounds, swimming pools, football
fields in each town.
Practically all kinds of sports are popu
lar in this country, but football, figure
skating and tennis enjoy the greatest

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Physical Training and Sports In Ukraine

Корoткий опис:  Physical Training and Sports
In Ukraine
Such kinds of sports as swimming,
running, equestrian sport, wrestling
and others date back to ancient times
in Ukraine.
The system of military and physical
training of Cossacks in Zaporizhia was
built on the basis of national games
and physical exercises.
First sports organizations were
founded in the second half of the 19th
They were not numerous, among
them there were aristocratic yachting
clubs and also some tennis clubs.
The first of them opened in Kyiv in
1869 and in Odesa in 1895.
At the beginning of the 20th century
the first athletic clubs appeared.
The first one was founded as a part of
a medical centre.

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My Last Trip

Корoткий опис:  My Last Trip
Last time I went on a walking tour was
last summer.
My friends and I decided to go and
find some picturesque place on the
bank of the Siversky Donets.
You know there is a fine pinewood on
its banks.
So we took all necessary things for
sleeping and cooking meals with us.
We chose a route of our journey and
planned our trip.
Our rucksacks were rather heavy, but
this fact didn’t spoil our journey.

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Travelling Подорожі

Корoткий опис:  Travelling


There are moments in every person’s
life when he wants to travel.
Everyone understands travelling in his
own way.
Some people consider trips to new
towns and countries offered by
different tourist firms to be the best
way to travel.
These package tours are for the
The others prefer walking tours and
There is nothing more beautiful for
them than walking in some pinewood,

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My Winter Holidays

Корoткий опис:  My Winter Holidays
Winter holidays are shorter than
summer ones.
They begin at the end of December
and last about two weeks.
It is so nice to have a rest from school.

Мої зимові канікули
Зимові канікули коротші за літні.

Вони починаються наприкінці груд
ня і тривають біля двох тижнів.
Відпочити від школи — це так пре

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My Summer Holidays

Корoткий опис:  My Summer Holidays
In summer schoolchildren do not go
to school.
They have summer holidays which are
three months long.
Children don’t have to get up early.
There is no homework to do or
lessons to learn.
That’s why they like holidays.
I never stay in bed long in a bright
summer morning.
Sometimes my friends and I go to the
cinema or to a concert.

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1-10 11-20 ... 1121-1130 1131-1140 1141-1150 1151-1160 1161-1170 ... 3251-3260 3261-3261