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Press in Ukraine Преса в Україні

Корoткий опис:  Press in Ukraine

Преса в Україні

Newspapers and magazines play
a great role in the life of a modern
We usually read newspapers to get
information about the events that
have taken or are going to take place
in this country or abroad.
One can also read articles about his
torical events or public figures of the
The pages of newspapers carry
articles on our economy, industry,
agriculture and social life.

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Press in Ukraine Преса в Україні

Корoткий опис:  Press in Ukraine

Преса в Україні

Newspapers and magazines play
a great role in the life of a modern
We usually read newspapers to get
information about the events that
have taken or are going to take place
in this country or abroad.
One can also read articles about his
torical events or public figures of the
The pages of newspapers carry
articles on our economy, industry,
agriculture and social life.

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American Press

Корoткий опис:  American Press
There is no real national press in
the USA as there are more than
85 newspapers published in 34
There exist two main groups of news
papers: qualities and populars.

Only 2 or 3 newspapers with the
largest circulation tell their readers
about some rumours or crimes.
Quality newspapers contain only
reliable serious information.
They may also publish cartoons.

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Uk news papers

Корoткий опис:  Uk news papers
In Great Britain there is no official
control over the newspapers.
The government does not exercise any
official control over the newspaper
industry and most of the English news
papers are very proud of their peculi
arities, their individual styles.

Преса у Великобританії
У Великобританії не існує офіційно
го контролю над пресою.
Уряд не контролює газетну промис
ловість, і більшість англійських газет
пишаються своїми особливостями
і своїм індивідуальним стилем.

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MassMediaintheenglish- Speaking Countries

Корoткий опис:  MassMediaintheenglish-
Speaking Countries
In the morning, before work, and in
the evening, when they come home,
people in the Englishspeaking
countries like to read newspapers and
magazines, watch TV or listen to the
The newspapers, which are produced
in Great Britain, the USA and other
Englishspeaking countries, are
divided into national and local.
The national newspapers are those,
which are sold all over the country:

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Mass Mediain Our Life

Корoткий опис:  Mass Mediain Our Life

Mass media play a very important role
in our everyday life.

They serve to inform people of
different events that take place or
may happen.
They also entertain people or even
help to make their lives better.

But the most important thing that
newspapers, radio or TV bring to
people is information.
Complete and accurate information is
very important to get nowadays.
Those TV and radio programmes and
newspapers that provide reliable infor
mation are always very popular.

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My Favourite Literary Character My favourite literary character is Eliza Doolittle.

Корoткий опис:  My Favourite Literary
My favourite literary character is Eliza

Мій улюблений
Літературний персонаж
Мій улюблений літературний персо
наж — Еліза Дулитл.

Eliza is one of the principal characters
of “Pygmalion”, Bernard Shaw’s
famous comedy.
Eliza, a girl of eighteen, comes from
the lowest social level and speaks
with a strong Cockney accent.

She makes her own living by
selling flowers in the streets of
One day she accidentally meets
Henry Higgins, a professor of
Higgins makes an agreement with his
friend Pickering that he will pass Eliza
off as a duchess in six months.

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My Favourite Books

Корoткий опис:  My Favourite Books
I like to read books very much.
My favourite writer and poet is
A. S. Pushkin.
My favourite Pushkin’s poem is
“Poltava”, but I like to read his poem
«Ruslan and Lyudmila» too.

My sister is in the second form but
she likes to read Pushkin’s works too.

Most of all she likes fairytales.
Her favourite fairytale is “The Tale
About Tsar Saltan”.
My sister likes to read other fairytales
Her favourite tales are “Cinderella”,
“The Snowwhite and the seven
Dwarfs”, “The Sleeping Beauty” and
In our home library we have more than
500 books.

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My Favourite Painters

Корoткий опис:  My Favourite Painters
I would like to tell you about my
favourite painters.
I am very fond of impressionism, and
especially like the works of Monet.
Classicism attached the main impor
tance to composition and figure painting.
Romantism laid stress on personal
and emotional expression.
In its turn impressionism showed the
moments of life, parts of human exis
It was one of the most interesting and
unusual trends in modern painting.
It started in the 60s of the 19th
century and the most famous
impressionists were French painters
Renoir, Degas, Manet, Monet, Pissaro
and Sisley.
They added some freshness and
spontaneity of perception of life to the

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My Favourite Writer

Корoткий опис:  My Favourite
Reading is one of my hobbies and
that’s why I try to use every spare
minute to read.
I like different kinds of literature.
I like Russian and foreign, classic and
modern literature.
I usually read different books: love
stories, detective stories or historical
I want to tell you about my favourite
It is Alexandra Marinina.
She is considered to be a Russian
Queen of detective prose.

Мій улюблений
Читання — одне з моїх хобі, і тому
я намагаюся використовувати кож
ну вільну хвилину, щоб почитати.

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