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Показано материалов: 1081-1090
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Summer The bright sunshine warms the Earth.

Корoткий опис:  Summer
The bright sunshine warms the Earth.

When the heat is oppressive, it is
a treat to get out of town and have
a walk in the woods.
The fields are green.
In summer nature surrounds us with
all kinds of flowers: merry dandelions,
tulips, beautiful roses, shy daisies.

Sometimes the weather becomes
very hot in summer and the air gets
Then a thunderstorm usually brings
The sky is suddenly covered with dark
clouds and distant rolls of thunder are

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Seasons Spring I love spring. It is a wonderful season. Пори року Весна Я люблю весну. Це чудова пора року.

Корoткий опис:  Seasons
I love spring.
It is a wonderful season.

Пори року
Я люблю весну.
Це чудова пора року.

Spring comes and nature awakens
from its winter sleep.
The days become longer and the
nights become shorter.
The ground is covered with fresh
green grass and the first spring
How lovely the white snowdrops are!
There are new leaves and blossoms
on the trees.

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Seasons and Weather

Корoткий опис:  Seasons and Weather
There are four seasons in the year:
winter, spring, summer and autumn.
Each of them lasts three months.
In Ukraine winter is usually a cold
It often snows, the rivers are frozen.
The most unpleasant thing about
winter is that the sun sets early and
rises late — especially in December
and January.
The days are short, the sky is
often grey, nature is sleeping and
sometimes it gets rather boring.
But at the end of March the weather
gets gradually milder.
The sun shines more brightly.
The days become longer.
The snow begins melting.
Spring comes and nature awakens
after a long winter sleep.
All kinds of plants and flowers come

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Protection of environment In the Uk

Корoткий опис:  Protection of environment
In the Uk

Protection of environment is paid
much attention to in Great Britain.

Global warming, ozone layer problem,
air and water pollution, industrial
wastes are in the centre of different
state and public actions.

Захист навколишнього
Середовища в З’єднаному
У Великобританії багато уваги при
діляється захисту навколишнього
Глобальне потепління, проблеми
озонового шару, забруднення води
і повітря, проблема промислових
відходів знаходяться в центрі різних
державних і суспільних акцій.

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Environmental Protection in Britain

Корoткий опис:  Environmental Protection in

Environmental protection is an inter
national issue of great importance,
and Great Britain pays much attention
to it.

The National Rivers Authority protects
inland waters in England and Wales.

In Scotland the River purification au
thorities are responsible for water
pollution control.
Total emissions of smoke in the air
have fallen by 85 per cent since 1960.
Most petrol stations in Britain stock
unleaded petrol.

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Environmental Protectionin Our Country

Корoткий опис:  Environmental Protectionin
Our Country
The protection of nature has become
one of the most burning problems of
the 20th century.
The Earth provides people with
mineral resources, rivers, forests,
fields — everything that makes
the foundation of industrial and
agricultural production.
The development of industry has had
a bad influence on the nature of the
whole world.

Захист навколишнього
Середовища в нашій країні
Захист навколишнього середовища
став однією із найбільш пекучих
проблем 20 сторіччя.
Наша планета дає людям мінераль
ні ресурси, ріки, ліси, поля — усе,
що складає основу промислового
і сільськогосподарського вироб

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Protection of environment In Ukraine

Корoткий опис:  Protection of environment
In Ukraine
Protection of the environment in
Ukraine is paid much attention to.

The worsening of the ecological
situation has been closely linked to
the Chernobyl explosion.
On April 26, 1986, a fire burnt out
of control and released radioactive
The disaster killed 31 persons imme
diately and caused the hospitalization
of about 500 others.

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World Problems of ecology

Корoткий опис:  World Problems of ecology
Until recently the planet was a large
world in which human activities and
the nature were in balance.
Acid rain, global warming, ozone re
duction, widespread desertification
and species loss: we have to face
them now.

Ecology and economy are very closely
First economy influenced the state of
our environment.
Now we have to face degradation of
soils, water, atmosphere and forests.
Millions of trees are dying in
Germany’s Black Forest and
thousands of lakes in Sweden are so
acidic that nothing can live in them.
In Scotland farmers complain that
acid rains kill their fish.

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The earth

Корoткий опис:  The earth
We live on the Earth.
It is very big.
There is a lot of water on the Earth.
It is in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans.
There are a lot of forests
and fields, hills and mountains
on it.
Different animals and birds live on the
And different plants grow on it.
There are large and small countries,
warm and cold countries.
There are countries where there are
four seasons in a year and some
countries where there are only two.
People live in different countries and
they speak different languages.

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The Map of theWorld

Корoткий опис:  The Map of theWorld
We live on the planet that is called the
The greatest part of it is taken by the
waters of the World Ocean.
Large masses of land surrounded by
oceans and seas are called mainlands
or continents.
They are like big islands.
Looking at the map of the world we
can see that there are six continents.
They are: Eurasia (Europe and Asia
combined) which is the largest
continent, Africa, North America,
South America, Australia and
Antarctica, in which the South Pole is

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