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Foreign Languages in Our Life

Корoткий опис:  Foreign Languages in Our
Learning a foreign language is not an
easy thing.
It is a long and slow process that
takes a lot of time and efforts.
Nowadays it is especially important to
know foreign languages.
Some people learn languages
because they need them for their
work, others travel abroad, for
the third studying languages is
a hobby.
Everyone, who knows foreign
languages can speak to people from
other countries, read foreign writers in
the original, which makes your outlook

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Educationin Our Life

Корoткий опис:  Educationin Our Life
Education plays a very important role
in our life.
It is one of the most valuable
possessions a man can get in his life.

Освіта в нашому житті
Освіта грає дуже важливу роль у на
шому житті.
Це одне із найкоштовніших здо
бутків, що людина може дістати
у своєму житті.

During all the periods of human history
education ranked high among people.
Human progress mostly depended
upon welleducated people.
Selfeducation is very important for
the development of human’s talents.
Only through selfeducation

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Education in australia

Корoткий опис:  Education in australia
There exists a centralized national sys
tem of education in Australia.
The top of this system is the Federal
Ministry of Education.

But there are still many differences
in the structure and the curricula of
schools in different states.
There exist two types of schools in
the country: state schools and private
Tuition in state schools is free of
Private schools charge rather high
80 % of Australian children go to state
schools, and only 20 % attend fee
paying schools.

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Educationin Canada

Корoткий опис:  Educationin Canada
The school system of Canada is very
much like the one in the USA, but
there are certain differences.
Education in Canada is general
and compulsory for children from
6 to 16 years old, and in some
provinces — to 14.
It is within the competence of the local
authorities, and therefore it may differ
from province to province.
For example, Newfoundland has an
11grade system.
Some other provinces have 12grade
systems, and Ontario has even
a 13grade system.
Grades 1—6 are usually elementary
schools, and grades 7—12 are sec
ondary schools.

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Educationin the USa

Корoткий опис:  Educationin the USa
The American system of school edu
cation differs from the systems in
other countries.
There are state public schools, private
elementary schools and private sec
ondary schools.
Public schools are free and private
schools are feepaying.
Each state has its own system of
public schools.

Освіта в СШа
Американська система освіти відріз
няється від інших країн.

Існують державні загальноосвітні
школи, приватні початкові і приватні
загальноосвітні школи.
Державні школи безкоштовні, а при
ватні школи — платні.
У кожного штату своя система дер
жавних шкіл.

Elementary education begins at the

Початкова освіта починається

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Educationin Great Britain

Корoткий опис:  Educationin Great
In Great Britain children begin to go to
school at the age of five.
First they study at infant schools.

In these schools they learn to draw
with coloured pencils and paints.
They also make figures out of
plasticine and work with paper and
They play much because they are very
Later they begin to learn letters and
read, write and count.

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My attitudeto the Profession of aTeacher

Корoткий опис:  My attitudeto the
Profession of aTeacher
The profession of a teacher is a very
noble one.
A teacher is a very important
person for every family, where the
schoolchildren live.
I remember my first teacher very well.

Her name was Natalia Victorivna.
She was a kind woman and paid much
attention to us all.

Моє ставлення до професії
Професія викладача дуже шляхетна.

Викладач — важлива постать для
кожної родини, де є школярі.

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Education in Ukraine

Корoткий опис:  Education in Ukraine
The system of secondary education
in Ukraine includes primary forms and
junior and senior secondary forms.
Children usually go to school at the
age of 6 or 7.
There are some preschool institutions,
like nursery schools or kindergartens,
but they are not obligatory.

Освіта в Україні
Система середньої освіти в Україні
включає початкову школу, середні
і старші класи.
Діти звичайно йдуть до школи
у віці шести чи семи років.
Існують також дошкільні установи,
такі як ясла і дитячий садок, але
вони не є загальнообов’язковими.

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At the Physical Training Lesson

Корoткий опис:  At the Physical Training
My favourite lesson is Physical
Usually we have our physical training
lessons either in the gymnasium or on
the sports ground.
Our sports ground is situated behind
the school.
On the sports ground there are
a football field, a volleyball ground
and a basketball ground.
Before the PT lessons we put on our
sports uniform.
After we have changed our clothes,
we go to the gymnasium and line up.

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At an english Lesson

Корoткий опис:  At an english Lesson
I am a pupil of the eighth form.
I study at school 14 in Kharkiv.
The pupils of our school learn
different languages: Russian, English,
French and German.
I learn English.
I have my English three times a week.

Every Monday, Wednesday and
Friday I take my English textbook,
vocabulary and exercisebook and go
to my English lesson.
The bell rings and the teacher and the
pupils come into the classroom.
We sit down at our tables, open our
textbooks and the lesson begins.

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