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My attitudeto the Profession of a Teacher

Корoткий опис:  My attitudeto the
Profession of a Teacher
The profession of a teacher is a very
noble one.
A teacher is a very important
person for every family, where the
schoolchildren live.
I remember my first teacher very well.

Her name was Natalia Victorivna.
She was a kind woman and paid much
attention to us all.

Моє ставлення до професії
Професія викладача дуже шляхетна.

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Our Teacher of english

Корoткий опис:  Our Teacher of english
Oksana Tarasivna Savchenko is our
teacher of English.
She is young and energetic, and she
has a good command of the English
Oksana Tarasivna does her best to
make our English lessons interesting.
During the lessons we learn grammar
rules and do grammar exercises,
discuss different topics, listen to
cassette recordings of stories,
conversations and songs.
Sometimes we sing songs altogether.

Наш вчитель англійської
Оксана Тарасівна Савченко — наш
учитель англійської мови.
Вона молода й енергійна і добре
знає англійську мову.

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My Favourite Subject My favourite subject is English.

Корoткий опис:  My Favourite Subject
My favourite subject is English.

English is very important as it has
become the most used language in
politics, science, trade and cultural
relations in the world.
It is also the language of great literature.
Such writers as William Shakespeare,
Walter Scott, Charles Dickens and Ber
nard Shaw wrote in English.
It gives me great pleasure to read
their books in the original.
I learn English at school.
I also read English books, magazines
and newspapers.

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The School Library

Корoткий опис:  The School Library
I like to read interesting books.
I have a lot of books at home, but nev
ertheless I go to the library.
I go to the library to read books there
or to take them out to read at home.

Our school has a big and rich library.

It is on the first floor.
The library is full of publications
necessary for work at different

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Our Class room Наш клас

Корoткий опис:  Our Class room

Наш клас

Our classroom is situated on the
second floor of our school building.
It is very light because it has three big
windows and the walls are covered
with light green wallpaper.
The windows look to the south that’s
why in spring and early autumn it can
be quite hot.

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My School Моя школа

Корoткий опис:  My School

Моя школа

Our school is not very big.
It’s a modern threestoreyed building
of a typical design.
In front of the school there is a big
sports ground, behind it there is a smal
garden with beautiful flowerbeds.
Here on the sports ground pupils have
their lessons of physical training when
the weather is fine.
When you enter the school, you
will see a large gymnasium and
workshops on the left.
On the right there is a canteen.

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Природа бурштину

Корoткий опис:  Природа бурштину
Бурштин — загальна назва для смолянистої скам'янілості, яка цінується за її природну і цікаву суміш кольорів і широко використовується для виготовлення декоративних прикрас. Навіть не будучи мінералом, бурштин розглядається і вико¬ристовується як коштовний камінь. Вік більшості покладів бурштину в світі — ЗО—90 млн років.
Бурштин є неоднорідним і складається з кількох смолянистих тіл, зв'язаних нерозчинною бітумною речовиною.
Внаслідок нагрівання бурштин пом'якшується і врешті-решт горить. Від цієї властивості походить німецька назва бурштину — «bernstein» — ка¬мінь, що горить. Нагрітий до температури 200 °С, бурштин розтоплюється до нестійкого стану «бурштинової олії», залишаючи чорні рештки, ві¬домі як «бурштинова каніфоль», або «бурштинова смола». А якщо його розчинити в олії скипидару або в лляній олії, можна отримати «бурштиновий лак». Протирання бурштину може привести до електризації. Також відомо, що слово «електрика» походить від грецького слова, що означає «бурш¬тин», — «еlectron».

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Our School наша школа

Корoткий опис:  Our School

наша школа

Our school is a modern twostoreyed
building of a typical design.
It is situated in the centre of the city in
a picturesque street named after the
great Ukrainian poet Lesya Ukrainka.

In front of our school there are round
flowerbeds, where pupils grow
different flowers during their biology
There are different specialized class
rooms for the lessons of Physics, Che
mistry, Geography and Biology.
They have slide projectors; schemes
and tables are on the walls.

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A Citizen Is not A Profession

Корoткий опис:  A Citizen Is not
A Profession
What does the sentence “I am
a citizen of Ukraine” mean?
At first it is difficult to answer.

Let’s take some examples.
A doctor helps people to improve their
A worker makes machines.
A farmer grows plants.
A teacher teaches pupils.
A soldier defends our country.
In short we can become builders,
shopmen or pilots.

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A Good Beginning Makes A Good ending

Корoткий опис:  A Good Beginning Makes
A Good ending
It’s always interesting to begin some
thing new.
And if the beginning is good, the end
may also be good.
If we think of such a problem as
“choosing a profession”, we must
know everything about this or that
For example, I want to become
a doctor.
It means that at the age of ten or
eleven I have to read books about

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