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Our Duties about The House Обов’язки подому

Корoткий опис:  Our Duties about
The House


Every person should be hardworking
because one cannot get anything
without putting a lot of work into it.

In our family everybody works with
I haven’t got any brother who could
help my father to make furniture or do
carpentry, so he has to do it himself.

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After School

Корoткий опис:  After School
We have spoken about what pupils
do at school, at lessons and during
But boys and girls don’t spend the
whole day at school.
This talk will be about what they do
when school is over and they
are free.
Not everybody goes home after the
last lesson.
Many boys and girls — the most active
members of the class and school —
stay at school for some time for social
They organize parties, conferences,
games and meetings.
The school library is open at this time
for pupils who come to choose a new
book or read an interesting magazine.

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My Working Day

Корoткий опис:  My Working Day
I usually get up at 7 o’clock on week
I make my bed, open the window and
do my morning exercises.
Then I go to the bathroom where
I clean my teeth and wash.
If I have enough time, I take a cold and
hot shower.
After bathroom I go back to my room
where I dress and brush my hair.

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The House of My Dream

Корoткий опис:  The House of My Dream
Every person has his own idea of
a perfect house.
Since the time immemorial people
always wanted to make their dwelling
a place, where one feels comfortable
and cosy, where one always wants to
come back to.
A dwelling of my dream is not a flat but
a twostoreyed mansion.
And as a real hostess I’d like to
arrange everything in the house
according to my taste.
Now, let me tell you about my house.

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An Ideal House

Корoткий опис:  An Ideal House
A person’s home is as much
a reflection of his personality as the
clothes he wears, the food he eats and
the friends he spends his time with.
Everybody has in mind an “ideal
house” and an “ideal home”.
How do I see my “ideal house”, how do
I see my life there?
There are many kinds of dwellings,
from town houses, which include
terraced houses, semidetached,
detached houses, to country houses.

Ідеальний будинок
Будинок людини також відбиває її
індивідуальність, як одяг, що вона
носить, їжа, яку вона їсть, і друзі,
з якими вона спілкується.
Кожний подумки уявляє свій «іде
альний будинок».

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My Friend’s House

Корoткий опис:  My Friend’s House
A friend of mine is my former school
Her name is Ann.
She lives in a nice cottage.
It’s a stone house.
In front of it there is a green lawn and
a flower bed with roses.
In the yard they have a garage.
The house is not very large.
At first you enter the hall.
It is square and rather big.
There are builtin cupboards near the

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My Favourite room

Корoткий опис:  My Favourite room
We have four rooms in our house.
But my favourite one is our study
which is the biggest room.
It is full of wonderful things: books,
pictures, collections of coins, a video
and computer.
There is a very old writing table in the
My great granddad bought it in the
beginning of the century when he was
a student.
It is very old, solid and comfortable.
There is a sofa in the corner of the
room and next to it a beautiful old
standard lamp, which is on the carpet.
I clean the carpet with the vacuum
cleaner very often.

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Our House and Flat

Корoткий опис:  Our House and Flat
I live in a new ninestoreyed block of
flats in Pushkin Street.
In front of the house there is
a children’s playground and a small
We like to spend our time there.
Our flat is on the fourth floor.

It is very comfortable.
We have al modern conveniences, such
as central heating, electricity, gas, cold
and hot running water and a telephone.
There are three rooms in our flat:
a living room and two bedrooms.
Our livingroom is the largest in the
It is nicely furnished.
Opposite the wall you can see a nice
There is a colour TVset in the corner.
In another corner there is a sofa and
two armchairs.
The piano is on the right.
There are two pictures above the piano.
There is a bookcase next to it.
We are fond of books and have plenty
of them at home.
On the floor we have a nice thick
The curtains on the window match the
All this makes the room cosy.
Our bedrooms are also very nice and
The parents’ bedroom is larger than
the children’s.
There are two beds, a bedside table,
some chairs and a wardrobe in it.

Наш будинок і квартира
Я живу в новому дев’ятиповерхово
му будинку на вулиці Пушкіна.
Перед будинком знаходиться дитя
чий майданчик і невеликий садок.

Нам подобається проводити там час.
Наша квартира розташована на п’я
тому поверсі.
Вона дуже комфортабельна.
У нас є всі сучасні вигоди, такі як цен
тральне опалення, електрика, газ,
холодна і гаряча вода і телефон.
У нашій квартирі три кімнати: ві
тальня і дві спальні.
Вітальня — найбільша кімната
в квартирі.
Вона прекрасно обставлена.
Біля стіни ви можете бачити краси
вий сервант.
У кутку — кольоровий телевізор.
У протилежному кутку знаходяться
диван і два крісла.
Праворуч стоїть піаніно.
Над піаніно висять дві картини.
Поруч — книжкова шафа.
Ми любимо книги, і в нас їх багато
в домі.
На підлозі лежить розкішний килим.

Фіранки на вікнах підібрані в тон
Усе це робить кімнату затишною.
Спальні теж дуже красиві і затишні.

Спальня батьків більша дитячої.

У ній два ліжка, туалетний столик,
стільці і шафа.

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Корoткий опис:  Character
When we speak about somebody’s char
acter, we can characterize a person as
polite, friendly, goodnatured, kind
hearted, generous, thoughtful or, on
the contrary, hardhearted, il natured,
rude, greedy, uncommunicative.

Коли ми говоримо про чийсь харак
тер, ми можемо так характеризувати
людину: привітна, дружелюбна, вели
кодушна, добросерда, щедра, тур
ботлива чи, навпаки, жорстока, зліс
на, груба, жадібна, нетовариська.

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Корoткий опис:  appearance
How important is it for you to be
Although everyone wants to be good
looking, do you think beautiful people
are always happy?
I don’t think so.
For example, it must be a problem to
be a very beautiful woman, because
some men may be more interested in
looking at this woman than talking
to her.
They think of her like a picture rather
than a person.

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