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My Friend

Корoткий опис:  My Friend
I’am not a very sociable person yet
there are people whom I can call
One of them is Ihor.
He is eighteen.
He left school last year and now he’s
a student of the University.
Ihor is a future economist.
Ihor is a first year student.
He does not have much free time
but if he has, Ihor likes to spend it in
a good company.
Ihor and his friends like to listen to
good music, dance, watch new films
and discuss them and do many other
interesting things.
We often go to the cinema, cafes, con
certs and shows.

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My Parents ’Vacation Відпустка моїх батьків

Корoткий опис:  My Parents ’Vacation

Відпустка моїх батьків

After a year of hard work everybody
wants to have a good rest.
Most people want to rest in summer
or in early autumn, but some people
have their holidays in winter or in
Some people prefer an active
rest which includes walking tours,
travelling by train, by car or by
They are glad and happy even if their
steamer comes to the next city on
a cold rainy night and when they have
to wait on the shore till the morning
when their excursion starts.
Some people find it quite romantic.

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My Parents’Working Day

Корoткий опис:  My Parents’Working
My parents are very busy people.
My father is a businessman.
He is a chief manager in a very big
Every day he has a lot of work to do,
that’s why he gets up very early, even
at weekends.

Робочий день моїх
Мої батьки — дуже зайняті люди.
Мій батько — бізнесмен.
Він керівник у великій фірмі.

Щодня в нього дуже багато робо
ти, тому він встає дуже рано навіть
у вихідні.

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About My Mother

Корoткий опис:  About My Mother
My mother’s name is Valentyna
Ivanivna Petrenko.
She is forty years old.
But to my mind she looks much
My father and I think that she is a very
beautiful woman.

Про мою маму
Мою маму звуть Валентина Іванівна
Їй сорок років.
Але, помоєму, вона виглядає наба
гато молодшою.
Ми з татом вважаємо, що вона дуже
красива жінка.

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My Parents

Корoткий опис:  My Parents
My mother’s name is Olena Vasylivna.
She is 37 years old.
My father is three years older, he’s 40.

Мої батьки
Мою маму звуть Олена Василівна.
Їй 37 років.
Мій батько на три роки старший,
йому 40.

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My Birthday

Корoткий опис:  My Birthday
I was born on the 2nd of February.
This year on my birthday I woke up
early because I was very excited.

Мій день народження
Я народилася другого лютого.
Цього року я прокинулася у свій
день народження рано, тому що
була схвильована.

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About My self

Корoткий опис:  About My self
My name is Victor.
My surname is Ivanov.
I was born on April 7, 1987 in Kharkiv.

My parents are officeworkers.
I am an only child in the family.
I am a pupil of the ninth form of
a secondary school.
After leaving school I’ll try to enter the
Medical University.

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My Biography

Корoткий опис:  My Biography
Let me introduce myself.
My full name is Natalya Nickolayevna
Ivanova, though it sounds rather pom
pous for a girl of my age.
I was born on the 7th of May, 1985, in
the village of Bakino, Chutovo district,
the Poltava Region.
Two years ago our family moved to
Poltava where I live now together with
my parents.
I was born in the family of the office

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Australian Citie s and Towns

Корoткий опис:  Australian Citie s and Towns
The capital of Australia, Canberra, is
a young and comparatively small city.
It was founded in the 20th century and
now has a population of about
260 000 people.
The centre of Canberra is a small hill.

Several streets run from that hill.

Special charm is given to Canberra
by an artificial lake in the centre of the
A fountain more than 100 metres high
is in the western part of the lake.
At night powerful lights illuminate the

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Outstanding Historical Events of australia

Корoткий опис:  Outstanding Historical
Events of australia
Geologically Australia is the most an
cient of the continents.
But for many centuries it was marked
on the maps as “terra incognita”.
The first man who reached the Aus
tralian coasts was Willem Jansz,
a Dutch seaman.
He landed on the northern coast of
the continent in 1606.
The northern and western coasts
were investigated by the Dutch in the
17th century.
The sailors named the continent New
In 1770 James Cook, a British
navigator, reached the coasts of

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