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New Zealand—the Country Of Long White Clouds

Корoткий опис:  New Zealand—the Country
Of Long White Clouds
New Zealand, an independent state and
a member of the Commonwealth, is
situated to the southeast of Australia.
It’s a country consisting of two large
The first to settle here were the Maoris.
It was about 1000 years ago.
Maoris is a Polynesian people.
And the British came here at the end
of the 19th century.
“The Aurora” was the first British ship
to come to New Zealand.
The British waged real wars on the
Thousands of the Maoris were killed,
but their culture survived.
Beautiful songs and dances are as old
as the Maori people itself.

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Climate and nature Of australia

Корoткий опис:  Climate and nature
Of australia
Australia is situated to the southeast
of Asia.
It is washed by the Timor Sea in the
north, by the Coral and Tasman Seas
in the east, and by the Indian Ocean in
the south and west.
Australia is the most droughty
continent in the earth.
It is an extremely hot country.
Summer months are December,
January and February.
The average summer temperature is
from 20 to 30 degrees above zero.
Winter months are June, July and Au

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Geographical Position of australia

Корoткий опис:  Geographical Position of
Australia occupies the continent of
Australia, which lies southeast of
Asia and the island of Tasmania with
a number of small islands.
It is washed by the Timor Sea in the
north, by the Coral and Tasman Seas
in the east, and by the Indian Ocean in
the south and west.
Australia is the most droughty
continent on the earth.
About one half of its territory is
occupied by deserts and semideserts.

Географічне положення
Австралія займає континент Австра
лію, розташований на південному
сході від Азії, і острів Тасманію з ря
дом маленьких островів.

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australia австралія

Корoткий опис:  australia


Australia, or the Commonwealth of
Australia, as it is officially called, is
situated on the island continent.
It also occupies the Island of
Tasmania and some minor islands
round the coast of the continent.
It is a highly developed industrial
agrarian country.
Its area is about 8 million km2.
It is the only state in the world that occu
pies the territory of a whole continent.
The capital of Australia is Canberra,
which became the capital only in 1927.
From 1787 to 1867 Australia was
a place where criminals were sent
from Britain.

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The Ukrainian Diasporain Canada

Корoткий опис:  The Ukrainian Diasporain
The term “diaspora” means those
Ukrainians who reside abroad.
Nowadays every third Ukrainian lives
beyond Ukraine.
The greatest number of people of the
Ukrainian origin (almost 2 million) live
in the USA; one million people live
in Canada and half a million live in
Poland and Romania.
The first Ukrainians came to Canada
on the 7th of September, 1891.
They were Ivan Pylypiv and Vasyl Je
lenyak from the village of Nebylin.
Their life in this country was very
difficult because they were often
discriminated and exploited.
These first immigrants were illiterate
Ukrainian peasants and they mostly
went in for farming.

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Canadian Cities and Towns

Корoткий опис:  Canadian Cities and Towns
Canada is a country with rapid growth
of the population.
It is mainly concentrated in large
The most important among them is
the capital of the country, Ottawa.
It is situated on the picturesque bank
of the Ottawa River.
One third of its population is de
scendants of English and French

Великі і малі міста канади
Канада — це країна зі швидким рос
том населення.
Воно в основному зосереджене
у великих містах.
Найважливішим серед них є столи
ця країни — Оттава.
Вона розташована на мальовничо
му березі ріки Оттави.
Одна третина її населення — на
щадки англійських і французьких

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Political System of Canada

Корoткий опис:  Political System of Canada
Canada is an independent federal par
liamentary state.
The Queen of Great Britain, Elizabeth
II, is the official head of the state, but
the Governor General acts as her
Canada combines the American
federal form of government with the
British cabinet system.
As a federation, Canada is made up of
ten provinces and two territories.
Canadian central government in
Ottawa represents all the peoples of

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Outstanding Historical Events of Canada

Корoткий опис:  Outstanding Historical
Events of Canada
Modern Canada originated as
a country of immigrants.
Before the 15th century Canada was
populated by different Indian tribes.
In the far north there were tribes of

Видатні історичні події
Сучасна Канада з’явилася як країна
До 15 століття Канаду населяли різ
ні індійські племена.
На півночі жили племена ескімосів.

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Climate and nature of Canada

Корoткий опис:  Climate and nature of
Canada is situated in the northern
part of the North American continent.
It is washed by the Pacific Ocean in
the west, by the Atlantic Ocean in the
east and by the Arctic Ocean and its
seas in the north.
That is why the climate and the nature
of Canada are much varied.
The northern parts lie in the subarctic
and arctic climatic zones.
Most of the northern islands are
covered with ice.
The bays between them are covered
with ice for 9—10 months a year.
This territory has a climate with very
cold winters and short, cool summers.

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Geographical Position of Canada

Корoткий опис:  Geographical Position of
Canada occupies the northern part
of the North American continent and
some islands.
It borders on the USA.
The country is washed by the Pacific
Ocean in the west, by the Atlantic
Ocean in the east and by the Arctic
Ocean and its seas in the north.
The Canadian north remains one of
the least settled and least exploited
parts of the world.
About 2 per cent of the Canadian
territory is covered by glacier ice.

The eastern parts of the country are
mainly valleys and plains.
The western territories are occupied
by the Cordilleras.
They stretch from the American
border to the Arctic Ocean.

The Cordillera region is composed
of numerous mountain groups:
the Rocky Mountains, the Coast
Mountains and others.
The main Canadian islands are New
foundland, Victorian Island, Baffin
Island and others.
There are a lot of rivers and lakes in
Among them there are the Great Bear
Lake, the Great Slave Lake and the
Great Lakes District.
The largest rivers are the Nelson, the
Ottawa, the Mackenzie and the Yukon.
The population of Canada is about 25
million people.
It is mainly concentrated in large
The economically significant area of
the country is its western part.
Canada is rich in mineral resources,
such as nonferrous metals, uranium,
oil, natural gas and coal.
It is also exceptionally rich in forests
and furbearing animals.
All these factors led Canada to the po
sition of a highlydeveloped country.

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1-10 11-20 ... 1231-1240 1241-1250 1251-1260 1261-1270 1271-1280 ... 3251-3260 3261-3261