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The north east

Корoткий опис:  The north east
The skyscrapers of New York
City, the steel mills of Pittsburgh,
the automobile assembly lines of
Detroit… these symbols of industrial
America belong to this region.
Millions of Europeans immigrated to
this industrial area.
It became known as the “melting
pot”, the fusion of people from many
nations into Americans.

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World WarI

Корoткий опис:  World WarI
When the war broke out in Europe in
1914, Americans declared neutrality.

However, this proved to be a difficult
Several events led to the involvement
of America in the war, including the
sinking of the British passenger
liner Lusitania on May 7, 1915 by the
Germans, resulting in the deaths
of 128 Americans and long strikes
against American ships in 1917.

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The Civil War

Корoткий опис:  The Civil War
The purpose of the Civil War was to
restore the Union of the Individual
states and to preserve the Constitution.
However, Congress was determined
to make emancipation (freeing of the
slaves) the primary issue of the war.
Just before the outbreak of the Civil
War, two issues faced the nation.

The first was the freeing of the slaves,
which the Southerners believed was
a loss of property.
The second issue was the right of
secession (the withdrawal of a state
from the Union).
The Constitution was an agreement
between the states, so therefore each
state had the right to leave the Union
when they pleased.
These issues divided the nation.
In February of 1861, the Confederation
states of America was formed.
It consisted of South Caroline, North
Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, Georgia,
Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisi
ana, Arcansas and Texas.

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The Colonies

Корoткий опис:  The Colonies
European people came to the New
World for many reasons.
Some, like Columbus, came looking
for new trade routes, others were
seeking fortune, many of them were
missionaries who wanted to convert
the Native Americans.
The most wellknown first settlers
were the Pilgrims.
The Pilgrims came seeking religious
They founded the Plymouth colony in
Massachusetts in 1620.
The Pilgrims originated from England.
The trip across the ocean was terribly
They had little food and fresh water.
They arrived at the Mayflower in the
winter of 1620, in the north east of

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Корoткий опис:  Discovery
“In 1492 Columbus sailed Ocean
This little rhyme many American
children learn to remember the
date when Christopher Columbus
“discovered” America.
Was Christopher Columbus really the
first person to discover the continent
and return home to tell about it?

Probably not, but he was the first to re
turn to Europe and tell all about what
he believed to be a new route to Asia.

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an episode from the History of the USa

Корoткий опис:  an episode from the History
of the USa
The most prominent episode from the
history of the USA is the formation of
the state itself.
The growing independence and
economic strength of colonies
disturbed Great Britain.
The colonies were viewed as a source
of raw materials and a market for
England alone.
After the Seven Years’ War (1756—1763)
the British Government increased its pres
sure on the colonies and put al possible
obstacles in the way of their independent
industrial development and trade.
It imposed new taxes and duties,
which affected the interests of the

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Climate and nature of the USa

Корoткий опис:  Climate and nature
of the USa
The USA is situated in the central part
of the North American Continent.

It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the
east, by the Pacific Ocean in the west
and by the Gulf of Mexico in the south.
The climate varies from moderate to
subtropical continental.

Клімат і природа СШа

США розташовані в центральній
частині ПівнічноАмериканського
Вони омиваються Атлантичним океа
ном на сході, Тихим океаном на заході
і Мексиканською затокою на півдні.
Клімат змінюється від помірного до

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Geographical Position of the USa

Корoткий опис:  Geographical Position of
the USa
The USA occupies the central part of
the North American continent.
It borders on Canada in the north and
Mexico in the south.
It is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in
the east, by the Pacific Ocean in the
west and by the Gulf of Mexico in the
The present territory of the USA con
sists of three separate parts.
The USA proper and Alaska are
situated in North America.
The Hawaii are situated in the central
part of the Pacific Ocean.
The area of the country is about
9,400,000 km2.
Its population is about 256 million

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Political System of the USa

Корoткий опис:  Political System of the USa
The United States of America is a fede
rative republic.
Since 1959 the Federation comprises
50 states.
The president is the head of the state
and executive body.
He is also the commanderinchief of
the army and Navy of the USA.
The president and vicepresident are
elected for a term of four years.
Al the legislative power is vested in Con
gress, which consists of the Senate and
the House of Representatives.
There are 100 senators and 435 mem
bers in the House of Representatives.

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The USa СШа

Корoткий опис:  The USa


The United States of America is one of
the greatest countries in the world.
It is situated on the North American
continent and is washed by three
oceans: the Pacific, the Atlantic and
the Arctic.
The USA only borders on two coun
tries — Canada and Mexico.
This great country has a lot of moun
tains, rivers, lakes.
The main mountains are the Appalachi
ans and the Cordilleras.
The longest rivers are the Mississippi
and the Missouri.
The climate of the country is very

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