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Television In GreatBritain

Корoткий опис:  Television
In GreatBritain
Television (colloquially known as “TV”
or the “telly”) is nowadays so popular
that it is hard to believe that the first
pictures were transmitted about fifty
years ago.
The BBC was the first company in the
world to provide a public television
service, which began in 1936.
Viewers are now able to watch
television for many hours a day, if they
have time and wish.
Moreover, viewers now have four
channels at their disposal.
In 1955 the Independent Broadcasting
Authority opened a television service
and in 1982 a second independent
service came into operation.

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My Favourite Video Film

Корoткий опис:  My Favourite Video Film
My favourite video film is “Titanic”.

It tells the story of a famous ship, the
“Titanic”, which sank in 1912.

The “Titanic” was a colossal ship even
by modern standards.
Its tragic sinking will always be remem
bered, for the ship went down on the
first voyage with heavy losses.

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Madame Tussa ud’s

Корoткий опис:  Madame Tussa ud’s
Every visitor to London knows who
Madame Tussaud is — or was.
And almost every visitor has seen her,
an old lady of 81, standing at the en
trance of her own exhibition.
She is made of wax, like all the models
of people in this museum.
There are a lot of halls in the museum.
The first room is the “Garden Party”.
Beneath a starspangled sky, under
an oaktree, figures from the worlds of
sports and the media enjoy a friendly
drink and chat.

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Корoткий опис:  MusicinGreatBritain
Henry Purcell (1659—1695), a promi
nent British composer, lived in the
17th century.
He was the founder of the British
His opera “King Arthur” was very
popular with spectators.

Генрі Перселл (1659—1695), видат
ний англійський композитор, жив
у 17 сторіччі.
Він був засновником англійської
Його опера «Король Артур» була дуже
популярна серед простих людей.

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American Music

Корoткий опис:  American Music
Since the United States was settled
by Europeans, it is not surprising that
classical music and folk songs
were brought over from that
Beethoven, Brahms, Debussy,
Tchaikovskyi, Stravinskyi, Bach,
Mozart and Verdi are but a few names
of European composers which
are often on orchestra or opera
English, Irish, Scottish folk songs are
sung very often and have been sung in
America by so many generations that
Americans are not even conscious
that these songs are of foreign origin.
But the greatest contribution to Ameri
can music, however, has been made
by the Negroes in the South.

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Music in Ukraine

Корoткий опис:  Music in Ukraine
Over the centuries the Ukrainian people
have created a singular art of music.
Folk traditions have preserved to this
day original ritual songs, dances and
The Ukrainian folk vocal heritage
boasts a number of lyrical, humorous,
patriotic, drinking and children’s
songs and romances.

Музика в Україні
Протягом століть український на
род створював пісенну творчість.
Фольклорні традиції зберегли до
наших днів оригінальні ритуальні
пісні, танці й ігри.
Українська фольклорна вокальна
спадщина пишається ліричними,
гумористичними, патріотичними,
застільними і дитячими піснями
та романсами.

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My Hobby

Корoткий опис:  My Hobby
I have a lot of hobbies because there
are so many interesting things to do.
Unfortunately I don’t have much spare
time as I’m going to be a student
that’s why I have to study a lot.
I like doing different things.

Such as reading detective novels,
listening to the music, playing tennis
with my classmates.
But my favourite hobby is solving
crossword puzzles.
It’s not only interesting, but also
When you try to solve the puzzle, you
find out and learn a lot of different

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Hobby Хобі

Корoткий опис:  Hobby


Hobby is a favourite occupation of
a person in his free time.
I have many friends.
They are very different and they have
different kinds of hobbies.
One of my friends, for example, likes
to knit very much.
In the evening she sits on the sofa and
knits a beautiful pullover or a sweater.

She also knits for her little sister, her
mother and her friends.

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My Favourite Occupation

Корoткий опис:  My Favourite Occupation
I have little free time because I have
to work hard in order to do well at
But I try to find some time during
the weekends for my favourite
occupation: knitting and sewing.
I learned to knit when I was ten.

Моє улюблене заняття
У мене мало вільного часу, тому що
мені доводиться багато працювати,
щоб добре встигати в школі.
Але у вихідні я намагаюся знаходи
ти час для свого улюбленого занят
тя: в’язання і шиття.
Я навчилася в’язати, коли мені було
10 років.

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My Last Visit to The Circus

Корoткий опис:  My Last Visit to
The Circus
I like to go to the circus very much.
There is a very good circus in Kharkiv.
It is situated in the centre of the
city not far from Gagarin Avenue
Undeground Station.
Last time my brother, my mother and
I went to the circus during my winter
First we went by undeground to the
Metro Station “Gagarin Avenue” and
then we went to the circus on foot.
We left our coats in the cloakroom
and then went to the hall.
At the entrance we bought
a programme of the show.
Then we went and took our seats.
Our seats were not far from the ring
and we could see everything very

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