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Корoткий опис:  ChristmasinGreatBritain
For many British families Christmas is
the most important holiday of the year.
It is a combination of the Christian cel
ebration of the birth of Christ, and the
traditional winter holidays.
On the Sunday before Christmas
many churches hold a carol service
where special hymns are sung.
Most families decorate their houses
with coloured paper or holly, and they
usually have a Christmas tree in the
front room.
It is decorated with coloured lights
and beautiful toys.
The most important and pleasant
tradition of Christmas is the giving of

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Корoткий опис:  UkHolidays
There are many holidays in Great Britain.
The main holidays are Christmas and
Bank holidays.
Christmas is celebrated on the 25th
of December and symbolizes the
birthday of Jesus Christ.
This day is marked by setting the fir
tree and decorating it with different
toys and candles.

У Великобританії багато свят.
Найголовніші з них — Різдво і Банків
ське свято.
Різдво святкується 25 грудня і сим
волізує день народження Христа.

У цей день установлюють ялинку
і прикрашають її різними іграшками
і свічами.

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The First of September

Корoткий опис:  The First of September
The first of September is the first day
of school.
It is a happy day for all schoolchildren
and their parents.
It is especially a great holiday
for those boys and girls who are
beginning to go to school.
Let’s go out and see what people are
doing in the streets this morning.

There are a lot of schoolchildren in the
They are going to school.
Boys and girls are carrying school
bags, many of them have flowers in
their hands.

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New year in Our Country

Корoткий опис:  New year in Our Country
New Year is a great holiday in our
Everybody likes it very much.
It is especially loved by little children.

People do not go to work on that day,
and children do not go to school.
This holiday is considered to be
a family holiday.
It is usually celebrated at home
among the members of the family.
People decorate their houses and
usually have a firtree which stands in
the corner of the room.
Those firtrees are very beautiful.
The presents are usually put under
these trees.

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Easterin Ukraine

Корoткий опис:  Easterin Ukraine
Easter is the most important holiday
of the year.
Easter egg is called pysanka.

Pysanka shells have been found
in archaeological sites from more
than 3000 years ago, and many of
those designs are still being used on
pysanka today.

Великдень в Україні
Великдень — це найважливіше свя
то року.
Великоднє яєчко називається
Шкаралупу писанок знаходили при
археологічних розкопках цивіліза
цій, що існували більше 3000 років
тому, і багато з тих візерунків вико
ристовується для розпису писанок

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UkrainianTraditionsand religiousFestivals

Корoткий опис:  UkrainianTraditionsand
The Ukrainians, like any other
people, have their own customs and
traditions: many of these are very old,
some appear nowadays.
Most of the customs are connected
with the religious festivals or with
Ukrainian dwelling.
The most popular of the holidays is
the New Year Day; it is celebrated on
the 1st of January.
On the eve of the holiday children and
their parents decorate a New Year’s
Tree with shining balls and other
Christmas ornaments.
The mothers of the families prepare
holiday dinners.

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Ukrainian Holidays

Корoткий опис:  Ukrainian Holidays
There are dates and events in the life
of our country that are memorable to
every Ukrainian citizen.
The dates of this kind are: the Victory
Day, the May Day, the Constitution
Day, the Women’s Day, the
Independence Day.
These are national holidays, people
do not work on these days.
The most memorable date is the Victory
Day which is kept on the 9th of May.
On this Day we celebrate the anniver
sary of the victory over fascism in
World War II.
The Women’s Day, which is celebrated
on the 8th of March, is like Mother’s
Day in Great Britain.
On this day you can see many men
buying or carrying flowers.

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Holidays in Ukraine

Корoткий опис:  Holidays in Ukraine
The most important holiday of Ukraine
is the Day of Independence, which is
celebrated on the 24th of August.
On this day in 1991 the independence
of Ukraine was proclaimed and the
Ukrainian people began to build a new
We always celebrate this date.
We also celebrate the
9th of May — Victory Day — every year.
The New Year Eve, Christmas, Easter
are also celebrated in Ukraine.
Everyone likes the New Year Eve.
We usually buy a New Year tree, deco
rate our house with garlands, send
postcards to our relatives and friends,
wishing them joy and happiness.
Christmas is the day when Jesus

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My Favourite Cinema actor

Корoткий опис:  My Favourite
Cinema actor
I like to go to the cinema.
There is a cinema theatre not far from
my house.
Usually I go to the cinema with my
friends on Sundays.
We do not like to attend evening
film shows and usually buy tickets for
morning or daytime film shows.

Мій улюблений
Актор кіно
Я люблю ходити в кіно.
Недалеко від мого будинку є кіноте
Звичайно я ходжу в кіно з моїми дру
зями по неділях.
Ми не любимо відвідувати вечірні
сеанси і звичайно купуємо квитки
на ранкові чи денні сеанси.

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My Favourite TV Programme

Корoткий опис:  My Favourite
TV Programme
My favourite TV programme is “While
Everyone’s at Home”.
My parents and my brother like it too,
so we watch it all together.

In this programme we meet
interesting people.

Моя улюблена
Моя улюблена телепередача «Поки
усі вдома».
Моїм батькам і братові вона теж по
добається, так що ми дивимося її
всі разом.
У цій програмі ми зустрічаємося з ці
кавими людьми.

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