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Корoткий опис:  Dnipropetrovsk
Dnipropetrovsk is situated on the river
It is a large railway junction.

The city is one of the main industrial,
cultural and scientific centres of
Such branches of industry as metal urg
ical, chemical, light and food industries
are wel developed in Dnipropetrovsk.
The city is a centre of space rocket
production in Ukraine.
Nine higher educational

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Dnipropetrovsk region

Корoткий опис:  Dnipropetrovsk
The Dnipropetrovsk Region is an ad
ministrative region in southeastern
Ukraine lying in the middle and lower
basin of the Dnieper River.
Its area is 31 900 km2, and its
population is 3 745 000.
It is divided into 22 regions and
20 cities.
The region’s capital is
Its western section is a part of the
Dnieper Upland, in the south — the
Black Sea Lowland.

The main river is the Dnieper with its
They are the Mokra, the Inhulets, the
Orel and the Samara.
The small rivers become very shallow
in the summer.
The Dnipropetrovsk Region is rich in
mineral resources.
It contains large deposits of iron ore,
manganese ore, nickel, anthracite
coal, natural gas and gold, lignite, and
building materials.
The climate is temperatecontinental,
with rather cold winters, and hot
Ukrainians constitute 73 per cent of
the population.

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Корoткий опис:  Chernivtsi
Chernivtsi is situated in the Western
Ukraine on both banks of the Prut
Its total area is 153 km2 and it is
divided into 3 districts.
Its population is 257 300.

The city was founded in the second
part of the 12th century.
The first mention of Chernivtsi in the
chronicles occurred in 1207.
In the middle of the 14th century it be
longed to Moldavia and stood on its
border with Poland.
In 1744 it became a part of Austria,
and since 1917 — a part of Romania.
In 1940 the Southern Bukovyna joined
the Ukrainian Republic.

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Chernivtsi region

Корoткий опис:  Chernivtsi region
The Chernivtsi Region is one of the
youngest in Ukraine.
It was formed on the 7th of August,
1940 as a result of integration of the
northern part of Bukovyna and the
Khotyn district of Bessarabia into
The region is divided into 11 adminis
trative districts.
The ethnic structure of the Chernivtsi
Region is quite varied — Ukrainians,
Romanians, Moldavians, Russians,
Jews, Poles, Belorussians.
The climate is moderate continental.
The region has deposits of mineral re
sources such as: gas, oil.

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Корoткий опис:  Chernihiv
Chernihiv is situated on the high right
bank of the Desna River.
Its total area is 64 km2, and its
population is 301 100.

The city is divided into two districts.
Chernihiv is one of the most ancient
cities of Ukraine.
It was founded in the 7th century.
It was named by the prince Chorny.

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Chernihiv region

Корoткий опис:  Chernihiv region
Geopolitical situation of the Chernihiv
Region is of a rather peculiar
Russian Bryansk Region and Belarus
Gomel Region are Chernihiv’s old
time neighbours.
The Friendship monument situated
on State borders of Ukraine, Russia
and Belarus is the Chernihiv Region
The Chernihiv Region is a “potato
land”, it is the land of flax growing
and processing, the land of cattle
It is also the land of “big chemistry”,
gas and oil, it is Ukraine’s textile shop.

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Корoткий опис:  Cherkasy
The city is situated on the right bank
of the Kremenchuk Reservoir, on the
The total area of the city is 75 km2.
Its population is 297 200.

The city consists of two regions.
Cherkasy was first mentioned in
documents in the 13th century as
a fortified city in the Kiev principality
of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
Later it became a county centre of
Kyiv gubernia.

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Cherkasy region

Корoткий опис:  Cherkasy region
The land of Cherkasy gave birth to Bo
hdan Khmelnytsky who was destined
to become the leader of the nation
which was surviving difficult times and
who was the first to lay the foundation
of Ukrainians’ own state.
A great deal is being done on the
territory of Cherkashchyna to restore
the historical past, to bring back to the
people the names of our countrymen.
They are Ivan Padalka, a worldknown
artist, Todos Osmachka, a writer,
Vasyl Avramenko, a choreographer,
and many others.

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The autonomous republic Crimea

Корoткий опис:  The autonomous republic
The republic is situated on the Crimea
It is between the Black Sea in the west
and south, and the Sea of Azov — in
the east.
In the east the Crimea is separated
from Russia by the Kerch Strait.
The total area of the republic is
26 100 km2, population is 2 137 700.
It is divided into 15 regions and
15 cities.

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Корoткий опис:  khreshchatyk
The main street of Kyiv is certainly
Khreshchatyk and you’d better start
your sightseeing there.

The street is not very long but very im
Khreshchatyk looks especially
beautiful in spring when chestnut
trees are in blossom.

Головна вулиця Києва — звичайно
ж, Хрещатик, і вам найкраще по
чинати огляд визначних пам’яток
Вулиця не дуже довга, але дуже вра
Хрещатик виглядає особливо добре
навесні, коли цвітуть каштани.

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1-10 11-20 ... 1331-1340 1341-1350 1351-1360 1361-1370 1371-1380 ... 3251-3260 3261-3261