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теми з англійської мови для аспірантів прикарпатського університету
[ Скачать с сервера (45.0 Kb) ] 25.07.2009, 17:35
1 My scientific work. 1. It this year i ented the Precarpathian university natural department. 2. My speciality is chemistry. 3. I have chosen it because i thought that chemistry is profession of future. 4. The theme of my scientific work is forming of ukrainian chemical terminology, its problem and stages. 5. In my scientific work i investigated the process of forming of ukrainian chemical terminology. 6. Terminology was explored by kiev, galichina, kharkov schools of chemical terminology. 7. She was originated at the end of 19 age. 8. Scientists did large playment contributed to the chemical language. 9. They developed the chemical language. 10. Scientists wrote many publications, dictionaries, some were saved until now. 11. It is a very important branch of science. 12. It plays a very important role for a future generation.

2 Importance of knowledge of English for a future worker.
1.The problem of learning english languages is very important today. 2. Knowledge of english opens many doors before us,gives many opportunities and advantages.3.knowledge of foreign languages has always been a sign of high culture and deep erudition.4. It helps to promote cultural and technical cooperation among nations. 5. English is the world's most important language in science politics and cultural relations. 6. English is one of the offcial languages of thirty states which represent different cultures. 7. It is one of the official languages of the united nations organization and other political organizations. 8.Half of the worlds scientific literature is in English. 9. You will hardly be able to find a good job unless you master the English language. 10. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist.

3.Ukraine, as the independent state!
1.Ukraine is an independent, sovereign slate.
2.The Declaration of Ukrainian independence was proclaimed on August 24, 1991 by the Ukrainian Parliament.
3.The capital of our country is Kyiv.
4.It is one of the biggest European countries.
5.Its total area is 603.700 square kilometers.
6.Ukraine borders on the Russian Federation, Byelorussia, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania.
6.The Black Sea and the Sea of Azov wash our country.
7.There are 24 administrative regions and the Crimean autonomous republic.11.Ukraine is one of the largest European countries.
11.Our country has high mountains, vast steppes, endless forests, beautiful rivers and lakes.
12.Ukraine has its own original culture and art.

4 mizhnarodni vidnosuny
1. ukraine became the independent state.
2.Today the economy of ukraine is in the state of deep crisis.
3. We have wide relations with Russia, Byelorussia, Poland, Georgia, countries of Euro Union, USA, Canada, Great Britain
4Foreign Embassies of these countries work in Kyiv.
5 We exchange students and teachers with Canada and the USA.
6 Our specialists in different scientific fields improve their qualification abroad.
7We have joint projects for space exploration with Russia, USA and Canada.
8 From year to year the number of spheres of our relations with countries abroad grows.
9.Every year a lot of tourist visit Ukraine, while the Ukrainians go to the countries abroad.
10.I hope that our relations with other countries will go on growing.

5 Мій рідний край.
1.Place, where I was born, where my childhood passed, is it is Ivano-Francovsk.
2 The Ivano-Frankivsk Region is located in the south-west of Ukraine at the juncture of the East European Plain and the Ukrainian Carpathians.
3/ Its territory is 13900 km2.
4. The region is rich in natural resources.
5.There are the deposits of oil and gas, peat, phosphates and magnesium salts, large deposits of clay, gypsum, limestones and gravel.
6.Forests of the region occupy a large territory with a lot of valuable industrial species of timber.
7. The largest rivers of the region are. the Dniester, the Cheremosh, and the Prut.
8. It has many parks and a 38 hectars artificial lake.
9. It was called Stanislav until 1962.
10. Ivano-Frankivsk is a very green city.

6 Outstanding ukrainian scientific. .1. There were a lot of bright representatives of ukrainian science who contributed to the world progress. 2. Such names as Vernadskyi, zabolotnyi and other. 3. Nowadays, modern ukrainian scientists achieved great successes in the field of mathematics, physics, biology and medicine. 4. Great contribution to the worlds historical science was made by such prominent ukrainian historians, az Dragomanov, kostomarov. 5. There are another names worth mentioning. 6. Its Evgen Paton, serhiy Korolyov. 7. Paton was an outstanding constructor and a scientist. 8. Since 1929 paton was the member of the ukrainian academy of sciences.

7. Meta perspektyvy rozv. 1. Chemistry is a part of science. 2. Chemistry is a single discipline or branch of science. 3. The foundation of chemistry is built on the principles of physics. 4. Physics is the study of force and energy. 5. Chemistry begins with the nature and structure of a single atom. 6. An atod that interacts with light will transfer energy from one atom to another atom. 7. This is the basis of chemical reactions. 8. Inorganic chemistry is the study of raw materials, such as metals, insulators, glasses. 9. Organic chemistry is the study of materials such as plastics, paper, wood. 10. In summary its five primary branches are physical inorganic, organic, biochemistry and analitical chemistry.

8 Usa. 1. The usa is the most powerful and highly developed country of the world.
2. it is situated in the central part of the north america continent.
3. It covers a territory of nine million square kilometers.
4. The population of USA is about 250 million people.
5.The USA is highly developed industrial state.
6. The USA is rich in coal, oil, iron and other minerals.
7.Heavy industry prevails in the USA, including such branches as the mining, metallurgical, engineering and chemical industries.
8. The usa is a parliamentary republic.
9. The capital of the USA is Washington.
10. It is situated in the District of Columbia.
11. The head of the executive power is President.
12.The head of the legislative power is the Congress.

9 Великобритании Great Britain
1. the united kingdom of great britain and nothern ireland is situated on two large islands called the british isles.
2. great britain consists of england. scotland and wales.
3. The population of great britain is over 56 mln people.
4.The British Isles have many rivers.
5. The longest of them is the Severn.
6. It flows into the Irish sea.
7. London is the capital of great britain.
8.Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy.
9. The monarch serves formally as head of state.
10. Queen Elizabeth 11 is the head of the state
11. Parliament is the supreme legislative body.
12.It consists of two Houses: the House of Commons and (he House of Lords.
13The Prime Minister is usually the head of the party, which is in power.

10 The constitution of Ukraine
1. The adoption of a new constitution of Ukraine on the 28th of June 1996 became an important event in the life of the people of Ukraine.
2. Our country has long-standing constitutional traditions.
3 The first Constitution of Ukraine was written by hetman Philip Orlyk in 1710.
4. The basic economic, social, cultural, public and political rights are guaranteed by the Constitution.
5. According to the Constitution of Ukraine is a sovereign, independent, democratic, social and juridical state.
6. Territorial integrity and inviolability of Ukraine are proclaimed in the Constitution.
7. The power in Ukraine belongs to people.
8. Ukraine is a unitary state.
9. All citizens have equal rights.
10. People are proclaimed to be the greatest social value in Ukraine.
11. These and other regulations are successively developed in the chapters of the Constitution.12. The best national traditions are embodied in the Constitution, it creates the legal bases of regulation of social relations/

11 Man and environment!
1. Our planet is our common home, so ecological problems of each country turn into global ones.
2. Ukraine is no exception.
3.The former political system left Ukraine with great ecological problems.
4.The protection of nature has become one of the most burning problems of the twenty first century.
5. We need clean air to breathe and pure water to drink.
6. We need also food that is safe to eat and housing to shelter us.
7. Cars and factories are very dirty.
8.They can also be dangerous for people, wildlife and environment.
9. Smoke and gases from factories can also pollute air.
10. A man must live in harmony with an environment.

12 Political, economic, and cultural life of ukraine and abroad. 1.Ukraine is one of the youngest independent states of Europe.
2.It has not become the member of the European Union and NATO yet, but the leaders of our country are working on this problem.
3.The political life of Ukraine has not been stabilized yet.
4.There are a lot parties, societies, movements is the country.
5.Now our country is in political crisis.6.Prices are going up and inflation is rising
7.Cultural life of Ukraine has always been rich.8.A few years ago a famous singer Ruslana won the Eurovision and made the whole world to know about Ukraine.
9.This year Ani Lorak won the second place on the same competition and proved once more that Ukrainian singers are among the best.10.In the sphere of sport Ukrainian representatives have also reached good results.
11.They won several awards during the Olympic games.

Категория: Іноземні мови(англ, франц, нім, італ...)
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