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Ternopil region

Корoткий опис:  Ternopil region
The Ternopil Region is an
administrative territory in Western
Its total area is 13 800 km2, and its
population is 1 200 000.
The region consists of 14 districts,
and has 16 cities.
The region occupies the western part
of the Podolian Upland.
It has rich deposits of the mineral
building materials: limestone, chalk,
clay, and fuel resources, such as
brown coal and peat.

Тернопільська область
Тернопільська область — адміністра
тивна територія в Західній Україні.

Загальна площа 13 800 км2, насе
лення — 1 200 000 чол.
Область складається з 14 районів,
кількість міст — 16.
Область займає західну частину По
дільської височини.
Тут є багаті родовища міне
ральних будівельних матеріалів
і вапняку, крейди, глини, паливних
корисних копалин — бурого вугілля
і торфу.

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Корoткий опис:  Sumy
A city situated at the confluence of
the Psel and the Sumka rivers is a
region’s centre.
Its area is 99 km2.
Its population is 275 400.
The city is divided into two districts.
The first mention of Sumy in the
chronicles occurred in 1652.
It became a town in 1780.
At first it belonged to the Kharkiv
Region, later the Sumy Region
was founded, and Sumy became a
region’s centre.
The main architectural monuments
are the guildhall (17th century), the
Church of the Resurrection (1702),
the Cathedral of the Transfiguration
(1776), and St Elijah’s Church (1851),
and the belltower (1908).
Sumy is a modern city, and it is very

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Sumy region

Корoткий опис:  Sumy region
The Sumy Region is located in the
northeastern part of Ukraine.
It borders on the Kursk, Bryansk and
Belgorod Regions of Russia in the
north and east, and on the Poltava
and Kharkiv Regions of Ukraine in the
north and southeast, on the Chernihiv
Region of Ukraine in the west.
The majority of population is
The Sumy Region was founded on the
10th of January 1939.
There are 15 towns in this region.
The Sumy Region is rich in mineral
resources such as oil, gas, brown
coal, salt and others.
132 rivers flow through the territory of
the Sumy Region.

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Корoткий опис:  Sevastopol
Sevastopol is a large port on the Black
It is a centre of shipbuilding industry.

A lot of docks are situated there.
The city also has welldeveloped light
and food industries.
In ancient time the town of Khersones
was situated on the territory of Seva
Then in 1783 a military sea fortress
and port appeared.
It is wellknown for its heroic defence
in the Crimean War in 1854—1855 and
during the Second World War.

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Корoткий опис:  rivne
Rivne was founded in the 13th century.
In the 18th and 19th centuries it
officially belonged to Russia, but
in fact it was the capital of a private
kingdom of the Polish Lubomirsky
family which had its own army.
Their palace was burnt down in 1927.
During the World War II the Germans
used Rivne as their administrative
capital in Ukraine.
The city was fully destroyed as
a result of fatal fighting.
Today the places of interest in the city
are the Resurrection Cathedral, built in
1895 (formerly the atheism museum),
the Music and Drama Theatre, the
Regional Ethnographic Museum.
The Victims of Fascism monument is
on the place of a concentration camp
where the Nazis killed about 80,000

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Корoткий опис:  Poltava Poltava — one of the most interesting towns of Ukraine — is situated on the picturesque bank of the river Vorskla. Due to its history Poltava rouses great interest. It was first mentioned in chronicles as Ltava in 1174. This old name changed only in 1430. The history of Poltava is full of different events. Since 1569 it was a part of Poland.

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Poltava region

Корoткий опис:  Poltava region
The Poltava Region is situated in the
central part of LeftBank Ukraine.
Its total area is 28 800 km2, and its
population is 1 693 100.
It is divided into 25 regions, and it has
12 cities.
Poltava is the region’s centre.
The Poltava Region lies on the
Dnieper Lowland, which is dissected
by river valleys and ravines.

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Корoткий опис:  Ostroh The small town of Ostroh is one of the oldest settlements in Ukraine. It was founded in 1100. In the 16th century a GreekLatinSla vonic collegium and printing centre were established here. Острог Невелике місто Острог — одне з найстаріших поселень в Україні. Місто було засноване в 1100 році. У 16 столітті тут був заснований гре колатинослов’янський колегіум і друкарський центр.

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Корoткий опис:  Odesa
Odesa is the Black Sea gateway to
It is the country’s largest commercial
Black Sea port and a large industrial
Odesa is a crossroads of cultures,
languages and trade.
Pushkin lived here in exile during
the 1820s, and also it was home to
writer and film director Alexander
The site of Odesa was controlled from
1526 to 1789 by the Ottoman Turks.

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Корoткий опис:  Odesaregion
The Odesa Region is situated in south
western Ukraine.
In the south it is washed by the Black
Its total area is 33 300 km2, and its
population is about 2 500 000.
It is divided into 26 districts, and has
18 cities.
Its capital is Odesa.
Although it lacks mineral resources,
the Odesa Region is rich in granite,
limestone, and sand, which are
used for the building materials
The moderate continental climate is
characterized by hot summers and
mild winters.

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