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My attitude towards studying a foreign language

Корoткий опис:  My attitude towards studying a foreign language

A person who has a good command of a foreign language fells at ease not only in his native country but abroad, too, if he finds himself there. I know this on my first hand. Here is a familiar quotation of Johnson’s: “Language is the dress of thought”, and the knowledge of two or more languages will help us to “dress” our thoughts better still.
Learning foreign languages is especially important nowadays. Some people learn foreign languages because they need them in their work others travel abroad, for the third studying languages is a hobby.
Every year thousands of people from our country go to different countries as tourists or to work. They can not go without knowing the language of the country they are going to.

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Корoткий опис:  LONDON

The topic I am going to speak about is London. From the geography lessons you know that East meets West in the Greenwich meridian. It is in London.
London, one of the world's biggest cities, situated on the river Thames, is the capital of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the residence of British sovereign. London is a great industrial and cultural center with the population of more than seven million people.
London consists of four main districts, which differ from each other. These are the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End.
The City is small in area but it is the business center of London. Many banks and offices are situated there. The heart of City is the Stock Exchange.

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From the history of Great Britain: the Magma Carta

Корoткий опис:  From the history of Great Britain: the Magma Carta

Great Britain is a monarchy, but the power of the King or Queen is limited. The supreme authority of the country is Parliament, which consists of three etements-the Monarchy, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
The history of the British Parliament dates back to the 13th century, when in the face of demands by barons King John signed the Magna Carta (Great Charter). It secured feudal rights and established areas over which the King had no jurisdiction

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Environmental protection in Ukraine

Корoткий опис:  Environmental protection in Ukraine

Our civilisation has gone so far in its development and polluted the environment to such an extend that it is very difficult to reverse it to primordial nature that is why the topic of environmental protection is very actual facing Ukraine today.
Ukraine is suffering many environmental problems. Many of them have been caused by economic activities. There are many consequences of damaging the environment. One of them is water pollution. The Dnipro and others rivers are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial waste, all kinds of chemical elements and pesticides. Industrial enterprises of large cities waste harmful substances into river and sea’s waters. The emissions destroy fishing industry and lead to a damage of wildlife.

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Environmental protection in Great Britain

Корoткий опис:  Environmental protection in Great Britain

Our civilisation has gone so far in its development and polluted the environment to such an extend that is very difficult to reverse it to primordial nature. The poisoning of the World’s land, air and water in the fastest-spreading disease of civilisation.
Great Britain, as a highly developed industrial country also faces a monumental task in the restoring urban and rural environments. The ecological problems of Great Britain are of the same global scale.
Pollution is one of the most urgent problems to solve. Factories, power station and motor vehicles, pump large quantities of waste gases into the air. This is major cause of the greenhouse effect and global warming. Rivers and streams are also polluted by industrial waste from factories, chemical fertilisers and pesticides used by farmers. Since 1949 Britons have destroyed 95% of wild meadows, heats, fens and ancient woods. The trees are cut down to wood or burnt to dear the land for farming.
The British government has worked out the practical plan of action. The main items of the survival projects in Britain are:

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Places of interest in England

Корoткий опис:  Places of interest in England

I have always dreamed to visit England. Imagine I am there. I came there by ferry. Speaking about sightsee of England Dover is the first that I saw. It impressed me greatly. Now I realise why the island is cold foggy Albion – because of it white cliffs of Dover. So London is the next I visit. My dream came true. Trafalgar square with the monument to Nelson in the centre. A lot of people and I am happy but I must go on my trip. Just opposite it there is the National Gallery. Hermitage was real in my life but now I can’t believe my eyes. Leo Greco, Salvador Daly, Gainsborough, Rubins and other outstanding masterpieces are in full view. Along White hall I direct my steps to Piccadilly. Every body knows that Downing Street 10 one of the main places of interest of the country because it is the residence of Prime minister. Piccadilly is place loved by everybody

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Places of interest in Ukraine

Корoткий опис:  Places of interest in Ukraine

A visitor to Ukraine should start his sightseeing with Kiev, the capital of Ukraine, the ancient city, which celebrated its 1,500th anniversary in 1982.
The most ancient building in Kiev is St. Sophia's Cathedral, founded by Prince Yaroslav the Wise in 1037. He meant to turn it into the cultural center of his Eastern Slavic state, but the Cathedral was also the place where the Kiev community gathered for assemblies, and where the Prince gave official audiences to foreign ambassadors.
The Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the oldest monastery in Ukraine, owes its name to the numerous caves which were used as dwellings from pre-historic times. About a thousand years ago the caves were taken over by monks who set up a monastery there, and very soon the Lavra became a, major center for the promotion of early Russian culture.

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Special Ukrainian Dates

Корoткий опис:  Special Ukrainian Dates

There are special dates and events in the life of Ukraine that are memorable to every Ukrainian citizen. They are Christmas, St. Valentine's Day, Women’s Day, and Independence Day.
The first special date in the Ukrainian calendar has to be 6th January, Christmas Day. Until recently this day wasn't recognized by the government and indeed was even prohibited. Nevertheless, it has always been celebrated within homes, especially in western Ukraine.
A new date to add into the calendar is February 14th, otherwise known as St Valentine's Day. This day of lovers has always been popular in western European countries and has now reached Ukraine. On this day people with romantic interest in each other should give presents and flowers. It is also an opportunity to tell somebody you art-interested in them if they do not already know!

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Sport in our life

Корoткий опис:  Sport in our life Good health is a great blessing. Everyone should do all he can to stay healthy. Being in good health means having both body and mind in good working order free from disease and pain. As they say: “A sound mind in a sound body”. All sorts of physical exercises are very helpful to make our bodies strong as well as to keep us well mentally. So if we want to keep ourselves fit, we have to go in for sports or games.

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The climate of Great Britain

Корoткий опис:  The climate of Great Britain

The climate of Great Britain varies considerably depending upon the time of year and the area. Great Britain includes four different countries: England in the sought, Wales to the west of England, Northern Ireland off the western coast of Wales and also Scotland in the north. England’s driest months are July and August with very little rainfall. Temperatures are warm with an average of around 25 C throughout England. During the winter months, however, the rainfall increases amazingly. Almost every day during January and February sees rain or cold winds.

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